Monday, May 26, 2014

Obama Ignores Torture of Pregnant Mother & U.S. Toddler

Joanne Moudy | May 24, 2014

Languishing in Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison in Khartoum, Sudan, Dr. Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag and her 20 month-old son, Martin Wani, await their fate. While the liberal selfies of the world move on with their political correctness, social networking, and mindless entertainment, three fragile lives are about to be extinguished for the unthinkable high crimes of being Christian.

President Clinton started the war against Christians, three ways:

1. when he used NATO to back the KLA terrorist muslims against the Serbian Orthodox Christians in Kosovo. This was the beginning of present day Christian ethnic cleansing,
2. He tried to get the military to accept openly practicing sodomites. The Republican Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff vehemently opposed it and he got them to accept the compromise DADT.
3. He used the FBI against his Republican Conservative and Christian opponents. Read about this in WND's article, "Project Megiddo". (Google it).

The Obama Administration is a continuation of the Clinton Administration.

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